"hanging upside down"

lost in africa
Little is known about bats, and most of the studies exclude ecology and habitat of bats. This habit has lead into distant looking and less curiosity in engaging in conservation of bats. The problem is that most of research are conducted at day time while the bats are inactive, so it’s very difficult to monitor their movement and activities in day time  though they are found nearly everywhere (under the bridges, buildings, trees, caves and in old mine).
Traditions and beliefs is the greatest damage to bats which creates fears, dislikes, destruction and possible extinction of bats.

What is so important about bats?
Think on their importance to man,  
Think about what they eat at night,
Think about their habitat.

lost in africa photo
Bats live nearly everywhere, the importance of bats to human, they eat mosquitoes and other insect thus reduce chemicals and poisons uses, Tropical bats pollinate and spread seeds for new plants and trees for global health system. Certain bats are helpful to farmers.  For example; Colony of brown bats can aid farmers by eating millions of root-worms. This saves crops from damage, and makes more food available at the market. The Saliva from the vampire bat is being understudy for the treatment of people with heart problems

bats in Arusha

Bats are wild animal we should never touch/kill them. We need to conserve and let them live.

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