Our projects

Natural Resource  Management and Monitoring
Natural resources when not utilized properly will extinct forever. As young scientist we are interested in reducing or reversing the negative effects of human activity through supporting conservation activities. Most Earth's resources are in competition from different interest. Adverse effect such as climate change,  species extinction are the result of developmental human activities. As part of our mission we are keen to involve different sectors, conservation agencies and bodies together to reverse or reduce the negative effect from human activities from any possible ways and technologies.

Community Projects and Research
We have decided to work with the the community because they are close to the natural resource in acting as a guidance in transforming the national benefit to community benefits.
Community  act as a tool in protecting natural resources through support from conservation agencies and through their voluntary participation.
Community easily recognize the effects of human activities and the importance of natural resource to their well-being.
Community need awareness of certain rules and regulations, various level of participation in advising the government bodies of policy and action to support their practice in utilization of Natural resources.

**conservation for present and future generation**